Saturday, September 3, 2022

"The Giant Nature of God's Love" by Seth D. King

The Giant Nature of God's Love


By Seth D. King


One commitment that I have is to open up & share what I perceive & experience to be the Incredible, Giant, & Miraculous Love of God with my loved ones and friends!

I will start by describing my own personal journey towards Jesus. How I have realized & gained from Christ’s Love is something that I want to share! This is definitely NOT the only way to interpret or relate to Jesus Christ. And Christ’s Love is not the only way either to receive this expanded realization of God's Love in my perspective.

Some of us might get something that we experience like this degree of love from our very own parents, wife, husband, or children, but I believe that one incredibly powerful way is through realizing Jesus Christ’s Love. I believe that Christ's Love embraced can touch, move, and inspire anyone & especially those of us whom are very much in need of love!

My realization of the Giant Nature of God’s Love comes from reading about what Christ did and said on the cross. I gained a personal awakening in realizing the magnitude of Jesus Christ’s Love, Strength, Forgiveness, Sacrifice, and Grace on the cross. I believe that in the face of the Crucifixion is where Christ showed the Immensity & Magnificent Magnitude of God’s Love, Strength, & Forgiveness available to all of us and available even as the highest & most radically extraordinary star in the sky example for all of us!

Witnessing the Magnitude of Christ’s Love on the cross has given to me a new realization of the size of God’s Giant Love. It has made me believe that God’s Love was much greater than my previous relatively tiny understanding of it. Witnessing Christ's Love inspired me to see that I could expand the degree of Love, Forgiveness, & Grace that I could grant upon myself! It inspired me to believe that we all potentially could be transformed through Jesus Christ’s Love which could touch, move, and heal each of us if we would simply realize it for ourselves and allow it.

A realization of the Immensity of God’s Love as demonstrated through Christ, in my experience, results in an elevation of our energy, vibration, and frequency. Self love, self forgiveness, & healing through this realization then begins to expand in ourselves! Peace, healing, & grace then expand through on and into the lives of our family & children! Christ's Love can continue to inspire a transformation within our hearts & minds towards a deeper sense of peace and a more loving, present, compassionate, patient, and inspiring way of being with the ones we love.

We can embrace God’s Giant Love for ourselves. We can allow it to flow through us & we can express it fully to those we love! This is what I personally gained from Jesus Christ! Please feel free to take from this realization any or all of it for yourself, if you would like to!

Love, Seth


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