Saturday, September 3, 2022

"One World Declaration of Peace & Justice" - by United People for Peace (UPP!) International organization

Sign online here... One World Declaration of Peace & Justice

We are co-signers of the One World Declaration of Peace & Justice.

I. We declare peace now inside of ourselves. We declare peace inside of our schools, our communities, and our families. We declare peace in between all people of all ethnicities, countries, genders, religions, socio-economic status, political affiliations, beliefs, abilities, and creeds. We recognize the importance of both our hearts and minds, of both our humanity and our technology, with which to build a peaceful, just, and sustainable future. We are responsible people worldwide who take constructive actions to realize these declarations.

II. We stand for the health, well-being, and happiness of every person. We acknowledge the fact that we are all one family - that of Earthlings. We stand in communication, partnership, and friendship creating a world where each and every person can survive, thrive, and live in peace. We are building organizations, operating businesses, and developing technologies which will end all forms of famine, poverty, homelessness, disease, environmental destruction, and pollution here on Earth. We are diverse people building newly unified international, environmental, religious, political, spiritual, technological, and economic ethical partnerships with the intention of ending all unjust discrimination, violence, abuse, neglect, corruption, tyranny, and war on Earth.

III. We stand for democracy and justice. We respect and defend all people and all children as global citizens under International, Natural, Moral, and Common Law in accord with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are responsible global citizens, union workers, community members, business people, politicians, corporate leaders, and philanthropists who honor family, choose humanity, respect science, seek truth, defend justice, and work for the health, well being, and future of all our children. We hold ourselves and our political leaders, states, countries, corporations, and one another accountable such that we survive, thrive, evolve, and progress for the sustainable future of human civilization.

IV. We are awakening, healing, and transforming now. We learn from and respect the divine feminine, all mothers, all life on Earth, and our sacred mother Earth. We stand in receivership of grace and wisdom through this declaration for our families and communities. We know that we can restore, recycle, resolve, repair, and clean up the mistakes and messes that we have made. We know that we can help and contribute to mutually beneficial natural, social, environmental, and technological solutions that will move us together towards harmony, balance, sustainability, and peace.

V. We pray, meditate, reflect, reconnect and commune with God and nature. We commit ourselves to intelligent, wise, and well-thought out action. We stand for mindful, humane, and creative solutions that naturally dissolve away fear, hatred, conflict, and violence like water onto fire. We advocate for ethical scientific research, discovery, and technological innovation which supports a responsible, healthy, and sustainable future for our children and all life on Earth.

VI. We break free from generational cycles of oppression, victimization, violence, greed, envy, self-destructive events, killing, war, emotional abuse, and psychological suffering. We realize that together we have the personal, ethical, social, intellectual, political, and economic power to bring about a new movement of human restoration, liberation, unity, healing, universally available clean energy, environmental sustainability, resource abundance, and world peace.

VII. We are actively overcoming political corruption, religious division, environmental destruction, and corporate exploitation through education, transparency, and justice. We are teachers, social workers, scientists, doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, business owners, police officers, and military soldiers who will no longer support, enforce, profit, sell, fight, die, or kill for unethical businesses, organizations, governments, or agencies. We are a community of activists, civil servants, professionals, whistleblowers, and their supporters who are standing and speaking up about political, corporate, private interest, and military crimes against humanity.

VIII. We take a knee and also stand powerfully to support, protect, and defend the future of all our children with responsibility and kindness. We unite in solidarity and service to our fellow humankind in the face of any and all natural or man-made disasters such as climate change, Hurricane Patricia, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster in Japan, the lead-poisoning of water in Flint, the bombings in Paris and Brussels, the crimes against Indigenous people and environment at Standing Rock, the hate driven violence in Charlottesville, shootings like those in Columbine & Parkland, virus outbreaks like COVID-19, and protest inciting police violence like that which murdered George Floyd.

IX. We are citizens, workers, entrepreneurs, police officers, politicians, governments, and corporations whom are coming together for the common good to facilitate progress for our mutual benefit. We will no longer divide ourselves and steer our world towards war, conflict, poverty, exploitation, and self-destruction. We are here to be brave, kind, just, merciful, philanthropic, and generous such that together we serve, preserve, protect, and defend the future of humankind. We are committed to a peaceful, healthy and sustainable civilization for all humankind.

X. We are local, state, country and worldwide economic, political, religious, media, and spiritual leaders of diverse skills, talents, and abilities working together now causing an international peace, justice, and education Movement. We are the change that Gandhi spoke about and the dream of Dr. King. We are awakening, healing, and transforming our families, our communities, our organizations, our businesses, our corporations, and most importantly the mind, heart, and character of ourselves.

XI. We are communicating, listening, building relationships, marching, voting, running for political office, respecting science, protecting our environment, developing sustainable solutions, and reporting on our breakthrough successes as well as those ongoing crimes against humanity. We are investing towards social, political, economic, and environmental responsibility and justice for all of our children, grandchildren, planet, and future. We are who we have been waiting for, and we are actively engaged now in the collective fight for the character, spirit, mind, heart, soul, and survival of the human race.

XII. Your commitment to peace, love, leadership, truth, justice, respect, responsibility, health, happiness, a living wage, sustainable water & food systems, health care, clean energy, ethical purchase & investment, the integrity of your business or organization, service, education, animal rights, human rights, and equal rights is a real contribution and makes the difference.

Join us!

Thank you for making the difference!

#OWDOPJ #UPP2020 #YEPP2020 #OneLove #OneWorld #OnePeople #OnePeace #ChildrenFirst #Unity #Solidarity #EqualRights #Justice #Healing #Transformation

Sign online here... One World Declaration of Peace & Justice

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